Wholesale Department

location Krasta iela 105, Rīga, LV-1019

clock I-V 8:00 - 18:00

phone # +371 6760 5495

contact Irēna Bēma (Head of the wholesale department)

phone # +371 20011890

mail icon [email protected]

contact Guntis Kusiņš (B2B customer manager)

phone # +371 26577843

mail icon [email protected]

contact Edgars Zeps (B2B customer manager)

phone # ++371 23 994 006

mail icon [email protected]

contact Armīns Kazakevičs (B2B customer manager)

phone # +371 29320335

mail icon [email protected]

contact Guntis Pavlovičs (Head of major clients)

phone # +371 26519247

mail icon [email protected]

contact Kaspars Bēms (B2B customer manager)

phone # +371 27859857

mail icon [email protected]

contact Ivars Ķēniņš (B2B customer manager)

phone # +371 29224344

mail icon [email protected]